Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cherish those memories- Create a Photo Collage of your Wedding or Honeymoon Photos

If you would ask any married couple about the most memorable moment of their lives, the answer would probably either be their wedding or their honeymoon, or even both. A wedding and honeymoon are two very important moments because they mark the beginning of a new life- a life filled with that special someone, a life with promise.

It is no wonder then that everyone who has ever had a wedding or a honeymoon would want to capture and cherish those memories through photos and videos. Naturally, photo albums and videos are the first and often the only choice for couples. While keeping a photo album is the best way to preserve those precious memories, it does have a downside- you would not actually see those photos unless you open the album. In these hectic times, you may not get the chance to see your wedding or honeymoon photo album for months or even years.

If you really do want a method of keeping the memories of your honeymoon and wedding fresh in your mind, then make a photo collage. A photo collage is pretty easy to make, and it can also make a beautiful addition to your home. With a photo collage of your wedding and honeymoon, even visitors can see it and refresh their memories about that time. This can make for hours and hours of conversation where you can relive your wedding or honeymoon all over again.

As an example, just imagine this situation- your parents or friends would visit your place and find a collage of your wedding or honeymoon. At that moment, their minds would be transported to those memorable times. While this may not seem like much, that moment would make a lot of difference to them and to you as well.

Many people stay away from making collages of their wedding or honeymoon because they find it too difficult. This is not entirely true as you can choose to make a photo collage far more easily with your computer. With the help of photo editing software like Photoshop, it is really easy to make an interesting photo collage in a matter of minutes. Once you make a collage, you can print it out and frame it for your wall.

While computers have made it really easy to make a photo collage for your wedding and honeymoon, there is no greater thrill than to sit down and make one on your own. During every step of making the photo collage, you can relive more memories of those two best moments of your life.

A real photo collage made of developed photos is easy to make too.

1.    You’d first need a strong base for the collage. A mat board, poster board, or any flat paper should do just fine, because they are also easy to work with. Naturally, you'll need a good printer, such as the Canon printer MG6270.
2.   The background can be anything you like. Considering the fact that you are making a collage of your wedding and honeymoon, pink would be a good option. However, the color selection is totally up to you. You can even add different colors for different sections.
3.   Once you get the colors, just paste the photos however you want them with strong glue.

As you can see, a photo collage is easy to make but still remains one of those priceless additions to your home.

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