Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kids love Photo Stickers- How to create them?

Many kids love to personalize the things they own. In most cases, it just means writing or engraving the owner’s name on the item. However, it doesn’t always have to be that plain or boring. Photo stickers have been around for a long time, and they are perfect for personalizing things and also making them look really awesome.

The best part of a photo sticker is that you are not limited to just a few items. You can pretty much stick any photo you want on an item that has the place for it. You can stick photos on your child’s pencil case, notebooks, and lunchbox, for example. You can even stick photo stickers on your own items, like your bag.

Moreover, photo stickers are also great for all age groups. It does not matter if it is a toddler or a small kid, a teenager, or even an older person- photo stickers are appealing to one and all. So if you are thinking that your child or you have outgrown photo stickers, think again. A photo sticker might just be the thing to add a little spunk to your life.

A photo sticker can be anything. It can be a passport photo print of you or your loved one, or it can be the picture of your child’s favorite cartoon character. It could also be a photograph of your teenage child’s favorite singer or actor, or even yours. The possibilities are limited only by your own creativity. You could stick multiple stickers in any pattern that you like.

So now that you are interested in making some innovative photo stickers, here is a complete guide to making them on your own as well as some tips:

The first thing you need to do to make a photo sticker is to choose the right photos. Now, there is no limit to what you can choose, but make sure that you follow the criteria below:

·       *  The photo is appropriate for the item where it will be stuck
·        * It is the right size for a sticker

Moreover, you would also need a computer with Internet access to make the sticker.

 Once you have selected your photos, all you need to do is visit a website where you can order personalized stickers. Most of these websites would have cropping features as well, so you can choose the right size.

Alternatively, you could print out the photos on your own with Inkjet sticker paper. You can find this kind of paper in your local store. Once you get the sticker by order or from your printer, you are done. Now you can just stick the photo stickers wherever you want to.

There are a few things to be kept in mind while choosing a photo for your photo sticker. For one, photo stickers are really small and so, the subject of the photo has to be at the center and fill up the frame. Since the photo sticker would be small, you would not be able to print one with too many faces or subjects.

From the above, you can see how easy it is to make a photo sticker and personalize the items in your home. So now you can stop writing names on each of these items and add a really personal touch to them.

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